Tuesday, March 16, 2010

French Omelet

My first assignment for my Culinary Foundations Class was to make an omelet. As the class found out in the first day, making the perfect omelet is not as easy as one may think. I had trouble with getting it to cook all they way on the inside and yet still avoid browning on the outside of the omelet. I started out by cracking a couple eggs into a bowl and mixing them thoroughly. While I was mixing the eggs I started warming up my pan with a splash of oil in it. I also chose to make a few sausage patties along side my omelet. I put the sausage in a frying pan and started to cook those as well. The teflon egg pan was now hot and ready to start cooking. I poured the eggs into the pan, listening for the sizzle as it first touches the pan. Then I shook the pan and filled in holes with the uncooked egg until it was almost finished cooking and started to flip the first third of the egg over. Then I slid it onto my plate and by the time that was done, the sausage were cooked all-through. And there was my finished product, not perfect as it still had a little bit of browing on the outside, but it was good nonetheless.

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